Xiii Conspiracy Part 3
Protocols of Zion Subverted Nation. Although this copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is included in Basic Training for Revolutionaries it is only fitting that it be included in text format here on this website, as yet another reference for everyone to use. It seems when searching for the actual document on different search engines, it can actually be quite difficult to find a complete text version. Instead, one often finds numerous links to jewish sources attempting to debunk the protocols, rather than the document its self. If the document were indeed a forgery as the jewish media claims it to be, why is it that one could be shot and killed on sight for mentioning this document in Bolshevik jew run Russia Why is it when the first abridged version of the protocols was published by Pavel Krushevan, there was an attempt made on his life See HERE. After a homicidal attempt by a P. S. Dashevsky, it was reported that Krushevan lived in constant fear, kept weapons close at hand and was accompanied by a personal cook out of fear to be poisoned. Another man by the name of Sergei Nilus published the first copy of the protocols in full in Russia in 1. Some information about him can be found HERE. For this act, he was imprisoned and tortured by the jewish Bolshevik Cheka, as per this source HERE. In 1. 92. 4 Professor Nilus was arrested in Kiev by the Cheka, imprisoned, and then tortured. He was told by the president of the court who was Jewish that this treatment was meted out to him for having done them incalculable harm in publishing the Protocols. He was freed afterwards, and detained again a few months later, this time in Moscow he was confined, and later sent to exile, where he died in 1. There are many other sources and revelations pertaining to the protocols, but most important is the text contained within them, and for this reason, the same copy contained in my book, will also be archived here. It is my hope that many visitors here will actually take it upon themselves to sit down and read through this disturbing text, because without absorbing this knowledge, one can not be expected to fully understand the enemy and their plans. SYNOPSIS OF THE PROTOCOLSGoyim are mentally inferior to Jews and cant run their nations properly. For theirsake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a singlegovernment. From Code of the Illuminati, Part III, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, by Abb Barreul. Robert Edward Clifford, 1798. GameTrailers is your destination to see official trailers first. Powered by IGN, you can expect to see worldfirst exclusive gameplay and the hottest new tra. For stemming the tide of Protestantism, which already had wrested entire nations from the bosom of the Church, Gregory XIII knew of no better means than a thorough. Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy The Greatest Story Ever Sold. This book presents an. With Stephen Dorff, Caterina Murino, Greg Bryk, Stephen McHattie. The first female US President Sally Sheridan is shot dead by a sniper during her Veterans Day speech. The Confessions Book XIII Of the goodness of God explained in the creation of things, and of the Trinity as found in the first words of Genesis. With Stuart Townsend, Greg Bryk, Stephen McHattie, Aisha Tyler. XIII The Series is an Englishlanguage FrancoCanadian TV series that premiered in April 2011 in. An independent alternative news organization, The Sleuth Journal is comprised of individuals and groups working together to shed the light on truth. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but its for agood cause. Heres what well need to do Place our agents and helpers everywhere. Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans. Start fights between different races, classes and religions. Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way. Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials. Appeal to successful peoples egos. Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail. Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism. Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us. Sacrifice people including Jews sometimes when necessary. Lupin_III_Part_II_English_title_card.png' alt='Xiii Conspiracy Part 3' title='Xiii Conspiracy Part 3' />Eliminate religion replace it with science and materialism. Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect. Rewrite history to our benefit. Create entertaining distractions. Corrupt minds with filth and perversion. Encourage people to spy on one another. Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor. Take possession of all wealth, property and especially gold. Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc. Introduce a progressive tax on wealth. Replace sound investment with speculation. Make long term interest bearing loans to governments. Give bad advice to governments and everyone else. Eventually the Goyim will be so angry with their governments because well blamethem for the resulting mess that theyll gladly have us take over. We will thenappoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim willbow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order underhis glorious rule. Use the links below to easily navigate to each section of the protocols. Table Of Contents. NF2-OY-PXTogfyZkzy36bhXVjaDei_xKG03WOohckM_2qwaQYZLcnMprWI0jffogQ=w1200-h630-p' alt='Xiii Conspiracy Part 3' title='Xiii Conspiracy Part 3' />Preface. Introduction. Who are the Elders Protocol I The Basic Doctrine. Protocol II Economic Wars. Notice the quotes attributed to Carr, who in turn is supposedly citing Pike verbatim. Although there is no citation from Haupt, e. Although this copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is included in Basic Training for Revolutionaries it is only fitting that it be included in text. Protocol III Methods of Conquest. Protocol IV Materialism Replace Religion. Protocol V Despotism and Modern Progress. Protocol VI Take Over Technique. Protocol VII World Wide Wars. Protocol VIII Provisional Government. Protocol IX Re education. PfFVYbzIyow/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Xiii Conspiracy Part 3' title='Xiii Conspiracy Part 3' />Protocol X Preparing for Power. Protocol XI The Totalitarian State. Protocol XII Control of the Press. Protocol XIII Distractions. Protocol XIV Assault on Religion. Protocol XV Ruthless Suppression. Protocol XVI Brainwashing. Protocol XVII Abuse of Authority. Protocol XVIII Arrest of Opponents. Protocol XIX Rulers and People. Protocol XX Financial Programme. Protocol XXI Loans and Credit. Protocol XXII Power of Gold. Protocol XXIII Instilling Obedience. Protocol XXIV Qualities of the Ruler. PREFACEReturn to Table of ContentsTranslated by Victor E. MarsdenThe author of this translation of the famous Protocols was himself a victim of the Revolution. He had lived for many years in Russia and was married to a Russian lady. Among his other activities in Russia he had been for a number of years a Russian Correspondent of the MORNING POST, a position which he occupied when the Revolution broke out, and his vivid descriptions of events in Russia will still be in the recollection of many of the readers of that Journal. Blender 2.49 Ubuntu. Naturally he was singled out for the anger of the Soviet. On the day that Captain Cromie was murdered by Jews, Victor Marsden was arrested and thrown into the Peter Paul Prison, expecting every day to have his name called out for execution. This, however, he escaped, and eventually he was allowed to return to England very much of a wreck in bodily health. However, he recovered under treatment and the devoted care of his wife and friends. One of the first things he undertook, as soon as he was able, was this translation of the Protocols. Mr. Marsden was eminently well qualified for the work. His intimate acquaintance with Russia, Russian life and the Russian language on the one hand, and his mastery of a terse literary English style on the other, placed him in a position of advantage which few others could claim. The consequence is that we have in his version an eminently readable work, and though the subject matter is somewhat formless, Mr. Marsdens literary touch reveals the thread running through the twenty four Protocols. It may be said with truth that this work was carried out at the cost of Mr. Marsdens own lifes blood. He told the writer of this Preface that he could not stand more than an hour at a time of his work on it in the British Museum, as the diabolical spirit of the matter which he was obliged to turn into English made him positively ill. Mr. Marsdens connection with the MORNING POST was not severed by his return to England, and he was well enough to accept the post of special correspondent of that journal in the suite of H. R. H., the Prince of Wales on his Empire tour. From this he returned with the Prince, apparently in much better health, but within a few days of his landing he was taken suddenly ill, and died after a very brief illness.