Asme B 30.9
Reference Information. CMAAThe primary industry group, CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. CMAA Specification 7. Top Running Bridge and Gantry Type Multiple Girder Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes. CMAA Specification 7. Top Running and Under Running Single Girder Electric Traveling Cranes Utilizing Under Running Trolley Hoist CMAA Specification 7. Standards and Guidelines for Professionsl Services Performed On Overhead and Traveling Cranes and Associated Equipment CMAA Crane Operators Manual For more information, go to www. The Crosby Group, Inc. Technical Data Sheet 472008 Classification Catalog No. Document No. Revision No File Name HOOK NA HOOK1 2 tdshook1. Sambo Ao Vivo 2010. Hooks are used in lifting systems as a connection between the load to be lifted and the wire rope or chain slings. There are different types of hooks with their. For additional information, refer to ASME B30. OSHA 1910. 184 Is rugged, versatile, highstrength, lowweight chain manufactured from special analysis alloy steel. Estas eslingas cumplen con las normas de EE. UU., la ASME B 309 2003 y la EN 14921. Las capacidades de carga segura van de 1 a 33,5 toneladas en eslingas de 25mm a. TERMINATION LIST SEARCH Fields Search Team Company Name Product Standard. Las eslingas son elementos utilizados para izaje y movimiento de cargas, confeccionadas normalmente con cables de pequea longitud. ASME B30 STANDARDS COMMITTEE Safety Standards for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings The following is the roster of the Committee at the. Asme B 30. 9 EspaгolHMIThe Hoist Manufacturers Institute HMI, which is part of MHI, provides a variety of Educational Materials, Marketing Information and Standards Development as they relate to hoisting equipment. For more information, go to www. MMAThe Monorail Manufacturers Association MMA is another arm of MHI that offers guidance and oversight for Enclosed Track workstation cranes and monorails as well as Patented Track and Profile Girder monorail systems. For more information, go to www. ASME ANSIASME provides codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education and professional development. The American National Standards Institute ANSI is a privately funded federation of business and industry, standards developers, trade associations, labor unions, professional societies, consumers, academia, and government agencies. Inspect slings in accordance with federal OSHAregulations and ASME B30. Perform and record frequent and periodic inspections of chain slings. Morgan City Rentals has become a leader in offshore rental equipment due to our commitment to quality assurance and safety. We have customized our inventory and. LEVER. OPERATED. CHAIN HOIST. LB SERIES. MODEL L5. Ton through 9 Ton Capacity. Code, Lot and Serial Number EFFECTIVE November 28, 2016. Modern Warfare 2 Full Game Ps3 here. SSC%20Images/C1490285_main-1.jpg]];var lpix_1=pix_1.length;var p1_0= [[607' alt='Asme B 30.9' title='Asme B 30.9' />ANSI does not itself write standards. ASME ANSI B3. 0. Overhead and Gantry Cranes Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running HoistASME ANSI B3. Base Mounted Drum Hoists. ASME ANSI B3. 0. Slings. ASME ANSI B3. Hooks. ASME ANSI B3. Monorails and Underhung Cranes. ASME ANSI B3. 0. Overhead Hoists UnderhungASME ANSI B3. Overhead and Gantry Cranes Top Running Bridge, Single Girder, Underhung HoistASME ANSI B3. Below the Hook Lifting Devices. ASME ANSI B3. 0. Manually Lever Operated Hoists. For more information, go to www. OSHANEMAThe National Electrical and Medical Imagining Equipment Manufacturers Association NEMA promotes the competitiveness of the U. S. electrical product industry, and strives to be the trade association of choice through which the electrical industry develops and records positions on standards and government regulations. For more information, go to www. MHI Material Handling Institute. Chain Slings, Lifting Chain Safety. Optimal performance requires the understanding of guidelines and adherence to safety regulations. Overhead lifting chain slings are useful tools for various types of overhead lifting operations and are frequently used for material handling in construction and manufacturing. Following industry guidelines is key to optimizing the use of these slings in a safe and effective manner. Why is safety such an important issue for overhead lifting Lifting or applying loads in any direction is incredibly dangerous work. Failure of any component or link in the chain can result in catastrophic failure. Heavy loads can be dropped, causing massive damage to equipment and facilities as well as serious injury or even death to workers. The operation, care, and maintenance of chain slings are important factors in the long term, safe use of these devices and ensure the safety of anyone working with or near an overhead lifting device. Chain sling or sling component use is governed by the U. S. Department of Labor OSHA regulations. In particular, Section 1. A chain sling or chain product must always be operated in strict accordance with federal OSHA regulations. Any user or operator of a chain sling device should be completely familiar with these OSHA requirements. SELECTION OF CHAIN SLINGSChain slings come in a variety of lengths and combinations of hooks and components, depending on the lifting application. The chain manufacturers have specified a variety of chain testing and safety standards in American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME B3. ASTM A9. 06, and the National Association of Chain Manufacturers. Any chain sling used for lifting must have suitable characteristics for the type of load hitch and environment used and must be in accordance with ASME B3. Sections 9 1. 5 and 9 1. The working load limit WLL, or rated capacity of chains and slings, is determined by the grade of the chain and its components. For overhead lifting, only high grade alloy steel chains and components may be used. These devices must meet a variety of strict quality standards such as minimum breaking strength, fatigue testing, and heat resistance. The most commonly used chains for overhead lifting are rated at Grade 8. Grade 1. 00 and Grade 1. The WLL and lifting capacity increases as the grade increases. For example, a 38 inch Grade 8. WLLof 7. 10. 0 pounds, a 38 inch Grade 1. WLL of 8. 80. 0 pounds, and a 38 inch Grade 1. WLLof 1. 0,6. 00 pounds5. Grade 8. 0. For safety reasons, each chain and sling is rated with a 4 1 design factor. The 38 inch Grade 8. WLLof 7. 10. 0 pounds is pull tested to 1. Every chain or chain sling is only as strong as its weakest link, so it is very important that every component of the sling meets WLL. All chains and components must be marked by the manufacturer with a grade from which the load rating can be determined. It is important to note that a number of factors such as lifting at an angle, wrapping the chain around a load, or extreme temperature reduce the WLL of the sling substantially. These factors must be considered when determining what type of sling is necessary to lift a load. READ THE LABELEach chain sling is supplied with a certificate and an identification tag. The identification tag includes the name of the manufacturer, the grade of chain, the nominal chain size, the number of chain legs, the length reach of the sling, the rated loads for the sling assembly, and the angle upon which the rating is based. Always look for proper and clear identification, especially the WLL. Some manufacturers also provide sling warning kits that can be attached to a chain sling. The owner and user of the chain sling are responsible for maintaining and repairing the sling and its identification tags. Keep in mind these usage and training safety rules Only trained individuals are allowed to use chains slings as specified by OSHA 1. Operate a chain sling in strict accordance with OSHA 1. ASME B3. 0. 9 No portion of the body shall be placed between the sling and the load or the sling and the crane or hoisting hook In no circumstance shall personnel stand or pass under a suspended load Slings may be shortened or lengthened only by methods approved by the manufacturer or a qualified person Sharp edges in contact with the sling should be padded to protect the sling Slings shall not be constricted, bunched, or pinched by the load, hook, or any fitting. The identification tag includes vital information, including the grade of chain, the nominal chain size, the number of chain legs, and the rated loads for the sling assembly. Always look for proper and clear identification, especially the working load limit. Observing the WLL is a critical safety aspect in all overhead lifting operations. Exceeding the WLL of a chain sling can cause chain failure and, consequently serious injury. To avoid hazards, consider Michael W.