After Update Trigger Oracle Mutating Table Error
How to query and execute trigger on the same table. Hope someone can help with this. Trigger+Syntax+Below+is+the+syntax+for+creating+a+trigger+in+Oracle+%28which+differs+slightly+from+standard+SQL+syntax%29%3A.jpg' alt='After Update Trigger Oracle Mutating Table Error' title='After Update Trigger Oracle Mutating Table Error' />Free Oracle Magazine Subscriptions and Oracle White Papers Oracle Table Triggers Version 11. General Data Dictionary Views Related To DDL Triggers. Oracle PLSQL interview questions In this series, we have covered all about PLSQL and answered the questions that might be asked during an interview. PLSQL. I am new to triggers and I am trying to create a trigger that checks to see if the record being modified has a specific value. I have a table called Filing that has a filingid and a filingstatus, I want to prevent someone from updating or deleting any records in that table has a filingstatusFILED. Filingid Filingstatus Val. Nicolay City Lights. Filed X. If someone tried to modify Val the trigger should stop it. I have created the following trigger CREATE or replace TRIGGER TRGPREVFILING. BEFORE DELETE or UPDATE. SELECT COUNTfilingid INTO rowcnt FROM PF. FILING. where status FILED. Nortel Bcm50 Element Manager Software. Katerine Francis Et Ses Peintres. You can not delete Or Update initial record. The problem I am facing is I am getting ORA 0. Table Filing is mutating, Triggerfunction may not see itSo basically I cant query on the same table that I am executing the trigger on Is that the problem in my case and does anyone know a work around this I appreciate any help.